Sunday, January 22, 2012

This morning, after a breakfast of omelets and fresh bread, we dressed in our Ghanaian attire and went to church.  As guests of the Amekor family, we entered the beautiful Catholic Church just as services were beginning.  We sat on the last four rows, which provided a nice breeze for the three hour service. The open, cheerful sanctuary is accented with multicolored windows that look like a design on a Lite Brite.  
Everyone was dressed in their Sunday best, with beautiful dresses and head wraps for the ladies and brightly colored shirts or traditional Ghanaian wraps for the men.  The sermon, liturgy and the announcements were all spoken in Ewe and then English.  Joyful, lively songs, accompanied by drums, peppered the service.  The offering, which is taken twice in each service, allows everyone to dance down the center aisle to offer their gifts.  A variety of gifts were given as a form of offering, items ranging from water bottles to fresh eggs.  I have learned that all offerings are given to the church and dispersed as needed to the church family and the community.  Toward the middle of the service, the children processed down the center aisle to present their offering.  Children of all ages danced into the church in a line that seemed to stretch forever.  Brightly dressed children with big smiles walked by our group with curious eyes.  Not surprisingly, by the end of the service the children had warmed up (literally and figuratively) to us so much that almost every BSC student was holding a child.  The service was a lesson in both culture and faith, with the cornerstone being the initial greeting from the pulpit- “We have gathered together as family.” 
This afternoon we have some much needed time for relaxation and planning for the next week.  Tonight two Peace Corps volunteers that work in Ghana are spending the night with us and visiting with the students.
Tomorrow begins our last three days in the school.  The BSC students have already shed a few tears in anticipation. 

1 comment:

  1. Maddie, Julie, and I (E Pettey) just got back from Senegal in Western Africa... aside from Senegalese people preferring bolder, brighter patterns...we dressed very similar to(the always appropriately fashionista)Dr. Jacobs! Love that ya'll are immersed into the culture of Ghana! Lookin' good everybody!
